Protecting public pensions protects all working families

August 17, 2018

Long Island Business Journal

Ronald Bauer is Business Manager & Financial Secretary of IBEW Local 1049 on Long Island

Sometimes it feels like working men and women are always under attack – from anti-union employers, from Washington, from Albany.

Now, amid a concerted attack by climate change activists, Gov. Cuomo and some of our elected leaders in the State Capitol are pushing a plan that could hurt the modest pensions of state and municipal workers across New York.

As business manager/financial secretary of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1049, I can say that few, if any, of our more than 4,000 members would argue that man-made climate change is not real.

Long Islanders know first-hand how wild our weather can be – and it seems like storms here and across the country are getting more severe and occurring more often.

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Research and Analysis

Fossil Fuel Divestment and Public Pension Funds

Divestment Facts

Prof. Daniel R. Fischel President and Chairman, Compass Lexecon Christopher R. Fiore Vice President, Compass Lexecon Todd D. Kendall Executive Vice President, Compass Lexecon

The fossil fuel divestment movement promises that the problem of climate change can be ameliorated if investors in certain companies refuse to hold the securities of those companies in their portfolios. In 2015, Professor Fischel, an author of this report, released a study examining this claim from an economic...

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